Monday, February 26, 2007

Use of the Resources of Forestry

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - we have all heard of the three Rs. But how does that relate to the resources of Vietnam? To begin with, all countries must be careful how much of each resource they use, so that they don't run out of it. Currently, Vietnam must reduce the amount of forests that they are cutting down. Recycling and reusing can also help solve this problem.

Hundreds of thousands of people rely on the resources provided to them by forests. This includes the trees themselves, but also the wildlife within the trees. Because of the country’s location, it has both tropical forest and wetland areas. These diverse landscapes are home to many different species.

Vietnam is suffering significantly from problems with forest depletion. The cutting down of trees has sometimes been very uncontrolled in the past and this is affecting the forestry industry. The increasingly dense population of Vietnam is also taking its toll on this natural resource.

An organization called Tropenbos International is helping out and supervising the measures that will be taking to conserve the tropical forest resources in Vietnam. This includes controlling which forests will be used and also researching new methods of conservation.

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