Monday, February 26, 2007

The Pressures of Mining Coal

Many different kinds of coal are mined in Vietnam. These include peat, lignite, fat coal, and anthracite.

According to statistics collected by the government, demand for coal is so high (and growing by 8% per year) that the coal simply cannot be mined fast enough. Based on how the coal industry is working now, Vietnam is expected to suffer a severe shortage of mined coal from 2010 onward.

The problem lies not in the amount of coal available, but in the amount that can be mined every year. There are large coal reserves, especially in the Red River Delta. In this area alone, there are approximately 250 billion tons of coal waiting to be mined. There are three coal preparation centres in the province of Quang Ninh, in the cities of Cua Ong, Nam Cau Trang, and Vang Danh.

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